Monday, March 4, 2013

March 4th Questions

1.  Pick one of the two quotes below and discuss it's meaning.
               "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree."
               "Your deeds are your monuments."

2.  Discuss why Halloween is August's favorite holiday, and what happened this year that made it the worst.

3.  Talk about Via's view of August on page 90.

4.  What is the significance of August cutting off his Padawan braid.


  1. Your deeds are you monuments means that when you do go things those things are your "trophies." It doesn't matter what you did wrong. Halloween is Augusts favorite holiday because the loves feeling normal and feeling like all of the other kids for once. It was worst this year because he over heard other people talking horrible things about him. One of them was supposed to be his friend. "He looks better now, no doubt about that, but the signs we used to gauge his moods are all gone. There are new one, of course. Mom and Dad can read every single one. But I'm having trouble keeping up. And there's a part of me that doesn't want to keep trying: why can't he just say what he's feeling like everyone else." The significance of cutting of his braid was that it was also at the same time he was having a little bit of trouble at school and Summer did not like it. I think he likes Summer so that is why he did it.

  2. 1.The apple doesn't fall far from the tree means that they are using something and comparing it to something related.
    2.Halloween is August favorite holiday because he can put on a mask and nobody looks at him different then the next kid.
    3.Via views August as being a baby at and they always have to go back on promises or go to plan B and he never says how he feels.Now that his mouth isn't wired shut or have a tube down his throat he should tell how he feels.
    4.The reason he cut off his Padawan braid is because of Julian who was being a jerk about it and giving August a hard time.

  3. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree is just like saying mother like daughter. It means when someone is rude or mean their children most likely have the same rudeness or meanness as them.

    August's favorite holiday is Halloween because for once nobody notices him for his deformed face. He can hide it behind a mask and no one will see him. People don't feel bad for him on Halloween because they don't see him, he is just another kid looking for candy. This year he found out that Jack Will doesn't even like him. In class they all thought Auggie was going as Boba Fett, but he switched his mind at the last moment. Jack was saying how he doesn't like him and how he follows him everywhere, turns out that Mr. Tushman made him be friends with Auggie. If I was him it would make me hate Halloween too.

    Via sees August different ways, sometimes she sees him as everyone else sees him,a crumpled boy. Then most of the time he sees him normal his heart and brain are normal so he is too is what she tells herself.

    August cut of his braid because Julian noticed it. He got so mad when Julian picked on him about his face and how Darth Sidious has a messed up face. He thought Darth would be his favorite star wars character because of the face thing they have in common, that just made August mad.

  4. 1. "Your deeds are your monuments." means like Martin Luther King Jr. he stood up for what was right and did a good deed and has the reward of his day as the monument.
    2. Auggie's favorite holiday is Halloween because he can hide behind a mask and blend in with the others and not have to worry about being seen. But it was the worst because Jack will betrayed him and talked about him with Julian and Auggie heard it. Also Julian dressed up as Darth Sidious to be like Auggie.
    3. Via thinks that her mom isn't paying attention to her anymore and doesn't feel like she is being her mom and that she doesn't care about her.
    4. Auggie cut off his braid because Julian teased him about it and when his family asked him if people maid fun of him he said no.

  5. 1. "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree." It means that if your parents are mean, then you are probably mean to.

    2.August's favorite holiday is Halloween because he gets to cover up his deformaties and nobody notices him, they bump into him without being grossed out. This year was the worst because he heard Jack talking bad about him, this made him upset and he didn't want to go trick or treating.

    3.Via's view of August was that he is a normal kid and she loves him, but for a split second when she came back from her grandmas house she saw August as a deformity, as a kid that she didn't really want to look at.

    4. August cut off his braid because Julian made fun of him for it and when his everyone asked if he cut it off because he was being bullied, August said no.
