Tuesday, March 12, 2013

March 12th

In this section of reading Miranda is a focal point.  Write about Miranda and discuss the decisions she made at camp and at the play that probably surprised you.  Talk about these decisions and why she most likely made them.


  1. She told everybody that she had a brother with a deformed face so people would like her more. At the play she dropped out of the lead roll so that Via could play the roll.

  2. At camp she told a lie and said she had a brother witch is August and she became apparently really popular and at the play she had the lead roll and Via was her understudy.So when no one came to watch Miranda she became "sick" so she had Via take her roll then after the play she went up behind August and picked him up and August was extremely happy.

  3. At camp she told lies, she wanted to be popular and having a brother with a face problem did it. At the play she got the lead roll and Via was her understudy. No body was there from Miranda and almost everybody was there for Via so she acted sick so Via would take her roll.

  4. At camp Miranda said she had a brother with a deformed face and that she had a bog named Daisy. At the play she was the lead but faked sick so Via took the role because Miranda had nobody there for her.

  5. At camp, Miranda said that she had a little brother with a deformed face, and she acted out as Via. She got popular from that, while Via didn't think she should tell anyone. Then, at the play Miranda realized that there wasn't many people watching for her, but a bunch of people were there for Via, so Miranda let Via (her understudy) play the role, while she faked sick. After the play she went up to August and hugged him, August was very happy. Then Miranda went out to eat with Via and her family.
