Sunday, February 24, 2013


List and describe characters as they appear in the book.


  1. August:Main character, narrarator of the book.
    Via: Augusts sister, very protective of him.
    Julian: Mean, seems like a trouble maker to me so far.
    Jack: Nice, he is the one who hangs out by August the most
    Charlotte: Nice, seems like she is more of the straight A student so far.
    Mr.Tushman: Principle, not too strict.
    Miss.Garcia: Secratary, nice and is welcoming.

  2. August:main character and narrator.
    Via:August's sister.
    Julian:a jerk.
    Jack:Nice to August.
    Charlotte:very perky.
    Mr. Tushman: principal.
    Miss.Garcia: secretary.

  3. August is the main character that has a face that he wont explain. He is also the narrator.
    Via is Augusts older sister. She tries to protect him as much as she can.
    Jack is probably the nicest one to August so far. He seems like he doesn't care about his face.
    Charlotte is another nice one to August. She does not seem to care about his looks either.
    Julian is kind of mean to August. He always seems to care about his face. He has asked if he got it burned early in the book.
    Mr. Tushman is the principle of Augusts new school. He really likes August and is very nice to him and all of the other children.
    Miss Garcia is the very kind secretary of the new school. She is a very kind person and is not just kind to August. She was so nice to him when he was taking the tour of the school.

  4. August is the main character so far. He has a face that is squished but the aurtor wont explain much. He is the one talking in the book.
    Charlotte is one girl in school that is nice to him. She took him on a tour and stood up for him while Julian was mean.
    Via is Auggies older sister she sticks up for him while people are mean to him.
    Julian is very mean he has a kind of way to be mean without any body else knowing but August.
    Jack is nice. He sits next to August to make him feel better.
    Summer is nice also. She gives help to August when he needs a friend and helps him get the people off his back.
    Mr Tushman is very funny, and nice to August but we dont know enough about him because he wasn't in much of the book yet.

  5. The only new character is summer who is very nice to August.

  6. A couple new characters are Summer, Miranda, Ella, and a little bit of Eleanor. Summer if very kind and sweet to August and she puts up with people asking her why. Miranda is Via's friend at first but I guess she gets rude or something and they don't hang out as much, but she is very sweet to August. Ella is another ex-friend of Via's. Eleanor used to be Via's friend a couple of years ago, but now Via is hanging out with her a little more because she barely has anybody else to hang out with.

  7. Their are a couple of new characters they are Justin and Miranda. Justin is very nice to august and Miranda is like August sister and she gave him stuff like the astronaut helmet.

  8. There really are no new characters in the book. There may be one or two characters that are new but the are not like major characters in the book. At least not right now.

  9. There are no new characters in the book, there are some but they are only there for a couple of pages.

  10. Their are not any new main characters in the book well atleast none that last more than a few pages.

  11. WE are doing a report in school about this and thanks for all the support

  12. I don't know what u talk about LOLOLOLLOOLOLOLO
